How to Exit Tmux

Exiting Tmux is straightforward once you understand its key bindings and commands. Here are the most common methods:

Method 1: Exiting Tmux with a Shortcut

Tmux uses key bindings to manage sessions. The default prefix key is Ctrl + b (hold down the Ctrl key and press b). To exit Tmux, follow these steps:

  1. Press Ctrl + b to activate the Tmux prefix.
  2. Immediately press d (for “detach”).

This command detaches your current Tmux session but keeps it running in the background. You can reattach to it later by running:

tmux attach

Method 2: Exiting Tmux Completely

If you want to exit Tmux and terminate the session entirely, use the following steps:

  1. Press Ctrl + b to activate the Tmux prefix.
  2. Immediately press : to open the Tmux command prompt.
  3. Type kill-session and press Enter.

This command will terminate the current Tmux session. Note that this action is irreversible, so use it with caution.

Method 3: Exiting from Within a Pane

If you have multiple panes open within a Tmux window, you can exit a specific pane without affecting the entire session. Simply close the pane by running:


This command will close the current shell session within the pane. If you close all panes, the Tmux session will automatically terminate.

Method 4: Exiting with a Shortcut (Alternative)

Some users prefer using shortcuts to exit Tmux quickly. You can customize your Tmux configuration to add a custom exit shortcut. For example, you can add the following line to your ~/.tmux.conf file:

bind-key x kill-session

With this configuration, pressing Ctrl + b followed by x will terminate the Tmux session.

Practical Example

Imagine you are working on a project with multiple terminal sessions open in Tmux. You need to switch to another task outside Tmux. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Press Ctrl + b followed by d to detach the session.
  2. Your terminal will return to the normal shell, allowing you to switch contexts or close the terminal.
  3. To resume your work, simply run:
    tmux attach

Additional Tips

  1. Custom Prefix Key: If you find the default Ctrl + b prefix key inconvenient, you can change it in your ~/.tmux.conf file. For example:

    set -g prefix C-a

    This sets the prefix key to Ctrl + a.

  2. List Sessions: If you have multiple Tmux sessions running, you can list them with:

    tmux list-sessions
  3. Attach to a Specific Session: To attach to a specific session, use:

    tmux attach -t <session-name>
  4. Save Your Work: Always ensure you save your work before exiting Tmux, especially if you plan to terminate the session.


Exiting Tmux is a simple process once you understand the key bindings and commands. Whether you need to detach temporarily or terminate the session entirely, Tmux provides multiple options to suit your workflow. By mastering these techniques, you can efficiently manage your terminal sessions and maintain a smooth development environment.