Git branching is a powerful feature that allows developers to work independently without interfering with each other’s progress. However, when it comes time to merge branches back into the main branch (e.g., main or master), conflicts can arise. These conflicts occur when Git is unsure how to reconcile changes between branches. Manually resolving conflicts can be time-consuming, but Git provides efficient strategies to streamline this process using the -Xours and -Xtheirs options.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind merge conflicts and demonstrate how to resolve them quickly using these strategies. If you’re already familiar with Git internals, feel free to skip to the command examples.

Why Do Merge Conflicts Occur?

A branch in Git is a lightweight, movable pointer to a specific commit. When you create a new branch from master using git branch feature, a new pointer is created. As you work on your feature branch, the master branch may continue to evolve, especially if other branches are merged into it. This divergence can lead to conflicts when you try to merge your feature branch back into master.

For example, consider the following scenario:


E---F---G feature
A---B---C master

When you attempt to merge feature into master using git checkout master followed by git merge feature, Git tries to replay the changes made on feature since it diverged from master. If both branches modified the same file, a conflict occurs because Git doesn’t know which changes to keep.

You can abort the merge process using git merge --abort if conflicts arise. However, resolving conflicts efficiently is often more desirable.

Resolving Conflicts with -Xtheirs and -Xours

When you need to override changes from one branch with another, Git provides two merge strategy options: -Xtheirs and -Xours. These options allow you to resolve conflicts quickly without manual intervention.

1. Overriding Changes in master with feature Branch

If you want to override changes in the master branch with those from your feature branch, use the following command after checking out to master:


git merge -Xtheirs feature

This command tells Git to prefer changes from the feature branch during the merge.

2. Keeping Changes in master Branch

If you want to keep changes from the master branch and discard those from the feature branch, use:


git merge -Xours feature

This command tells Git to prefer changes from the master branch.

Using These Strategies with Rebase

Rebasing is another common Git operation that can lead to conflicts. The -Xtheirs and -Xours options work slightly differently with git rebase compared to git merge.

1. Rebasing feature onto master and Keeping feature Changes

If you’re on your feature branch and want to rebase it onto master while keeping your changes, use:


git rebase master -Xtheirs

2. Rebasing feature onto master and Keeping master Changes

If you want to prioritize changes from master during the rebase, use:


git rebase master -Xours

Understanding the Reverse Order in Rebase

The reverse behavior in rebasing can be confusing. When you rebase feature onto master, Git resets the feature branch to the current master commit and then applies your changes on top. In this context:

  • -Xtheirs refers to the feature branch (since it’s the source of the changes).
  • -Xours refers to the master branch (since it’s the target).

For example, consider the following history:


E---F---G feature
A---B---C master

When you run git rebase master, Git:

  1. Rolls back to the common ancestor commit (A).
  2. Saves changes from feature temporarily.
  3. Resets feature to the current master commit (C).
  4. Applies the saved changes (E, F, G) on top of master.

The final history looks like this:


A---B---C master
E'---F'---G' feature


To help you remember the strategies for resolving conflicts using -Xtheirs and -Xours, refer to the following table:

Current Branch Command Strategy Outcome
master git merge feature -Xtheirs Keep feature changes Overrides master with feature changes
master git merge feature -Xours Keep master changes Keeps master changes, discards feature changes
feature git rebase master -Xtheirs Keep feature changes Overrides master with feature changes during rebase
feature git rebase master -Xours Keep master changes Keeps master changes, discards feature changes during rebase

Final Thoughts

Resolving Git conflicts efficiently is crucial for maintaining a smooth development workflow. By leveraging the -Xtheirs and -Xours options, you can quickly resolve conflicts without manually editing files. Understanding the nuances of these strategies, especially during rebasing, will help you manage your Git history more effectively.